If your laptop doesn't have a cpu from first generation of the Intel Core processors or newer I really don't see a reason to use Windows 10, especially if it's running on a relative old hdd.ĭepending of your use case you might actually be better with a light linux distro like Lubuntu, Manjaro Xfce (some of the speed actually comes due to the fact that you don't really need an antivirus). and makes me think it's something else and not the driver (virus, OS with corrupted critical files, hdd with problems (developing bad blocks due to age for example), bad ram (causing files corruption), issues with the sata port where the hdd is.).
So most of the informations you will get from me are from memory.Īre you sure it's the driver and not something else? The part with CCC no longer working doesn't sound right.
My hd 4650 died some years ago and when I fixed someone's old pc I used my hd 4350 so he can be able to watch youtube videos cause the cpu he had couldn't do it. I no longer have a gpu from hd 4xxx family. (the support for hd 4xxx was removed from.
(You gonna have to disallow Win 10 to install drivers cause it will overwrite 11.12 with 13.4 from their drivers database.)Ģ0.9.2 will plain not work on hd 4650. cat files and it might just refuse to install it now). If i remember right I read that they patched something regarding. (Not sure if latest win 10 version will let you install it. If I was in your place I would try to install Catalyst 11.12 (圆4: x86: ), the last one before they messed up the code for hd 4xxx and older.