The divine feminine release date
The divine feminine release date

the divine feminine release date
  1. The divine feminine release date plus#
  2. The divine feminine release date series#

As the energies transition, we will notice a change in how we perceive our connections to self, others and nature. The masculine / patriarchal cycle has come to an end.Įnter the Divine Feminine. Right now, we are at the end of the masculine energy where wars seem endlessly continuous while material and ego run rampant. My aim is to pursue this path and adapt it to other types of photography, including male portraits and creating a new effects.According to Drunvalo Melchizedk, the earth goes through 12,000 year cycles between masculine and feminine energies. I like to give my pictures a painterly affect, and in creating an image that tends to be feminine and in hopefully creating a feminine ideal. My work can be characterized with a lot of experimentation and trying new techniques in using movement and using flare. This has become a concept I would love to explore further, for example to have a male model. I loved how this shoot came together and created in my eyes a juxtaposition between the ancient and modern symbols of femininity and develop of image of the divine feminine.

the divine feminine release date

The hair and makeup artist, Kristen Ellis, further enhanced Shirin’s feminine beauty and tied the whole look together!

The divine feminine release date plus#

It was a plus that many designs included flower motifs in the garments to further enhance the theme and the stylist Jessica Rolfe arranged these designs to their best effect. They were instrumental in enhancing the modern feminine aspect of this shoot and they were perfect compliment to the dark forest setting. Tiana Van designs supplied all the dresses for this shoot. This shoot would not have been possible with out the assistance of my amazing team! Shirin Brigitte of Gear Model Management and Romel Models was the perfect person to convey the divine feminine as Shirin has a slightly androgynous look and I found it interesting to bring forward the feminine energy within her. Even the closed posing and the constant connection to the earth were used to reinforce the image of the divine feminine. However in modern times both of these colors are now considered to be masculine colors and white is associated with the purity of the devine feminine, which is why it is the choice for the wedding dress! Other symbols that I have included were the use of flowers and not using shoes throughout this shoot as one can draw feminine energy from the earth. The color green was also considered an ancient color as it represents mother nature.

the divine feminine release date

For example in ancient times black was considered an feminine color as it is the absorbed of all light and women traditionally absorb all the energy from those around her. It was exciting and confounding that these symbols have changed and even has become conflicted with time. So I began research on femininity and symbols of femininity both ancient and modern as I wanted to include a well rounded view on what is the “divine feminine”. As I collected images to gain inspiration for a story it was quickly apparent at there was an underlying theme of femininity that is linked with term “ethereal”.

the divine feminine release date

The divine feminine release date series#

I had originally set out to create a series with an ethereal feel. This editorial, “The Divine Feminine”, was a long time in the making. It is very important that each member of the team contributes their vision to the idea, and I truly believe that it allows the final product to be more than “the sum of its parts”. The original idea might be an item of clothing, a photo, a photographers process, a location… the list goes on! After reaching out and putting a team together, the team looks at the idea to create a vision, and an important part of the process is to give the other members input into how they envisage the shoot. It began with an interest in taking portraits and I quickly branched out to editorial photography, as telling the story is as interesting to me as the technical aspect of photography. I began doing portraiture photography in 2014. Kate Lionis is a photographer, residing in Sydney, Australia.

The divine feminine release date